Policy Notes and Blogs
Climate finance: it’ll be cheaper in the long run if poorer countries receive it as a matter of urgency, with Matthew Agarwala, Matt Burke, and Patrycja Klusak in The Conversation (November 5, 2021).
How do Businesses Deal with Uncertainty Effectively?, Mastering Entrepreneurship at Cambridge Judge (April 13, 2021).
Rising Temperatures, Melting Ratings, with Patrycja Klusak, Matthew Agarwala, Matt Burke, and Moritz Kraemer, VoxEU column (March 25, 2021).
Economic Consequences of Covid-19: A Counterfactual Multi-Country Analysis, with Alexander Chudik, M. Hashem Pesaran, Mehdi Raissi, and Alessandro Rebucci, VoxEU column (October 19, 2020).
Japanese Business Cycles, External Shocks, and Spillovers, with Paul Cashin and Mehdi Raissi, Japan: Selected Issues, IMF Country Report No. 20/40, International Monetary Fund.
When is Debt a Drag on Economic Growth?, with Alexander Chudik, M. Hashem Pesaran, and Mehdi Raissi, The Forum (April 3, 2018).
Can Sovereign Wealth Funds Mitigate the Negative Impact of Volatility?, with Mehdi Raissi, ERF Policy Brief No. 31 (March 2018).
Implications of the Current Low Oil Prices for MENA Countries, with Mehdi Raissi, The Forum (October 9, 2017).
The US Shale Oil Revolution Requires Major Reforms in the Macroeconomic Policy Frameworks and Institutions in the MENA Region, with Mehdi Raissi, ERF Policy Perspective No. 21 (December 2016).
Is Cheap Oil Really Good for the Global Economy?, with M. Hashem Pesaran, Financial Times (July 14, 2016).
Don’t Blame the Abundance of Oil! The Volatility in Oil Revenues Combined With Poor Governmental Responses to these Volatilities Drives the Resource Curse, Huffington Post Blog (November 25, 2015). Also posted on ERF Blogs (November 15, 2015).
Outward Spillovers from a GDP Shock in the GCC Region, with Paul Cashin and Mehdi Raissi (November 2012), Regional Economic Outlook: Middle East and Central Asia, International Monetary Fund.
Inward Spillovers to MENA Countries from a GDP Shock in G3 Countries, with Paul Cashin and Mehdi Raissi (November 2012), Regional Economic Outlook: Middle East and Central Asia, International Monetary Fund.
Recent Inflation Dynamics in GCC Countries, with Abdelhak S. Senhadji and Oral H. Williams (October 2010), Regional Economic Outlook: Middle East and Central Asia, International Monetary Fund.